How do I access my Library account?


To access your library account, click here. Alternatively, when searching in Discovery, click "Sign in", located in the upper right corner of your screen. 

You will be prompted to “Select a service to sign into”:

  • If you are a student or staff member, click the second button (“University of Suffolk Staff and Students”)
  • If you are an external SCONUL, Alumni or Public member, click the first button (“External Library Users”).

You’ll need your student credentials (S number and password) to log in. External members should refer to their membership approval email for further guidance.

Please note: Students not based at our Ipswich campus or local partner colleges (West Suffolk College, East Coast College, or Suffolk New College) do not have print borrowing rights and therefore do not have library accounts. Simply search Discovery and provide your student credentials at the point of access!

  • Last Updated Jul 23, 2023
  • Views 291
  • Answered By Lauren Cracknell

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