How do I add another lecturer to my Brightspace module?

An academic administrator can add lecturers to their Brightspace module(s). This answer gives you step-by-step instructions.


To add a lecturer to a module:

  1. Navigate to that module.
  2. Select ‘Communications’ from the navbar.
  3. Select ‘Classlist’.
  4. Select the ‘Add participants’ dropdown button.
  5. Select ‘Add existing users’.
  6. Search for the name or username of the person. (The username is the staff or student number, preceded by a letter).
  7. Tick the box next to their name.
  8. Select their role from the dropdown.
  9. Select ‘ Enrol Selected Users’.


If they don’t appear when you search for them (step 6), there are two possibilities:

  1. Some roles (such as course administrator) can be enrolled on a module without appearing in the classlist. If this happens, double check with them that they don't already have access.
  2. If they are a new member of staff, they may not be in Brightspace yet, meaning that the above steps won’t yet apply.
  • Last Updated Jul 23, 2023
  • Views 903
  • Answered By Olly Fayers

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Comments (2)

  1. Hi, Is there a way to add all lecturers to all modules offered in a whole department/division? Our admin team has to do it manually at the beginning of each year, which takes a lot of time. We would really appreciate it if you could show us how to do it, or if the option doesn't already exist, whether you can add this option. Many thanks in advance
    by Adnane on May 17, 2021
  2. Hi Adnane, the academic admin team have (in the last couple of months) been given access to a tool that allows them to process lecturer enrolments in bulk. This enables them to do this very quickly in instances where a whole team is added to a range of modules, so it shouldn't be an issue for them to do this.
    by Olly Fayers on May 17, 2021