How do I create a folder to share files so that only lecturers can see it?

This answer explains how you can share files with other members of your course team in a place that prevents student access.


DO: Use the 'Manage Files' tool to place documents for other lecturers, external examiners and so on.

DON'T: Create a folder in the 'Content' area and set it as hidden. (Why? The Content area is exclusively for the learning materials. Putting other material here will make the folder structure less clear, risk accidental sharing with students, and throw out learning analytics data about content access.)

Here's how to do it:

1. Within your module, select Control Panel from the navbar.

2. Select 'Manage Files'. In the screenshot below, I've selected to order the tools by name, instead of category. Yours may look different.

3. Create, upload and download folders and files accordingly. 

Tip: by default, files that you upload into your Brightspace module (such as images) will go into the main folder. It's worth keeping organised by creating folders for specific purposes (such as 'External Examiners') to minimise the risk of accidentally moving or deleting a file that's in use somewhere within your module.

  • Last Updated Jul 23, 2023
  • Views 325
  • Answered By Olly Fayers

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