How do I enrol students to groups?

This doesn't explain how to set up groups, but explains how to enrol users in groups.



  1. Select 'Communications' from the navbar
  2. Select 'Groups'
  3. Select the group that you want to enrol people into
  4. Select the 'Enrol Users' button
  5. Tick the box for students that you wish to enrol and select the 'Save' button. (Note: if the student names go over several pages, you'll need to click save before navigating to the next page. You can choose to see up to 200 student names per page by selecting it from the dropdown menu in the bottom right).

If you go back to navbar > Communications > Groups, it will then display an updated total of the number of students in each group.

  • Last Updated Jul 23, 2023
  • Views 77
  • Answered By

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