How do I submit an ePortfolio presentation?

This answer gives you step-by-step instructions for submitting a presentation that you've made in ePortfolio.


  1. Navigate to the module that the assessment is in.
  2. Select ‘assessment’ from the navbar.
  3. Select ‘assignments’.
  4. Select the assignment that you need to submit to.
  5. Press the ‘Add a file’ button
  6. Choose ePortfolio
  7. Select the presentation. You may need to search for it first.
  8. Press ‘Select Item’.
  9. If necessary, add comments in the box as usual.
  10. Select ‘Submit’.
Note: the presentation will be submitted as it was at the time of submission. If you later edit the presentation, you’ll need to resubmit it so that the updated version goes through.
  • Last Updated Jul 23, 2023
  • Views 95
  • Answered By Olly Fayers

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